What is Autism?

Autism presents as differences in communication, social skills, and behaviour to non-autistic people. Autistic people may also experience sensory sensitivities – to sounds, tastes, touch, and/or smells. Lived experience is different for all autistic people, resulting in unique challenges and support requirements (differences can also present as unique skills). Autism is lifelong.

Autism can be diagnosed from 18 months of age. The diagnostic name is autism spectrum disorder, and is broken down into levels 1, 2, and 3, where people with a level 1 diagnosis require less support, and those with level 3 require substantial support. The time of diagnosis is when children are often referred to early intervention services, such as ours. Many of the challenges associated with autism come from other people not understanding, and the autistic person not having access to required support.

No autistic person is the same as any other.

Autism is not an intellectual disability, although some autistic people do have a co-diagnosis. Other autistic people may have average or above average intelligence (like the rest of the population).

Autistic kids are highly capable. Unfortunately, most traditional teaching methods present challenges for them. This is where we come in! By changing the way that we teach we can create an environment for autistic children to thrive.

The potential of autistic people is unlimited – just like with everyone else.

- Dr Stephen Shore

At Cheeky Raspberries we do not teach to the diagnosis – we teach to the individual. All people are different, and we all learn in different ways.

If you’d like further information on autism, you can read more on: